Tuesday, January 8, 2013

December Updates

Oh wow, so December was hectic!! Additionally to the holidays, there was a lot of wedding do-to’s to do and we crossed the 5months mark!!
We started off with our photoshoot. It was definitely not as awkward as I expected, in fact, it was actually fun! Now that we have our photos, I need to work on designing those invitations, which turns out to be a lot harder than it looks like :S
In December we also booked our hotel and I discussed my dresses with my designer friends. I also bought my shoes (yay) and called our ceremony location to discuss details. Everything seems to be working out.
And to start off the year right - we registered for our gifts! Yessss, I got to walk around a store with a scanner and scan eeeeverything I want. So much fun!! (Manny got to hold it for a few minutes as well). So, another thing checked of the list! 

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