Saturday, October 20, 2012

Be Mine

The Engagement, or something like that

According to Manny, we are engaged and I am the only person who doesn't see that. Well, I guess I am old fashioned and am only excepting the title of fiance once I actually have a ring on my finger. He has asked me though. Several times. My personal favorite was one day (May 25th to be exact), at night when he took my hair tie, rolled it up and put it on my finger. Cute! 
At that time, I had just graduated from college and was still waiting on my work permit which was supposed to come in the mail any day. I had worked a Fashion Show all day and Manny had texted me that I had gotten a letter from the USCIS (my work permit?!?!?!?!). So I got really excited, ready to start my work life. When I got home later that night, I opened the letter and it said that they needed more papers and once they received those, it would be at least another month before I would get my permit. At that time, Manny was at a friends house and I had a tiny little breakdown. Worrying about not being approved for my permit and having to leave the country really scarred me (it still does whenever I give myself the time to think about it). I hate not having control over things, especially if one of those things is my future!! So I called him and he came home as quick as possible and tried to calm me down. He even offered to drive to Vegas right then and get married. lol . 
After I had calmed down a little and tried to attack the problem logically, he "proposed", if you wanna call it that.

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