Monday, January 21, 2013

All these little To-Do's PART I

Pinterst is great. It can give you sooo many ideas for your wedding and it's fun to add them all to your wedding pin board. But these ideas are quickly forgotten, especially since many of these little details are on no To-Do list you might find.

Here are some of my favorite wedding details that I might incorporate myself.

The guestbook
Having your guests sign a guestbook is a great way of remembering the day and all the people that were there to celebrate with you. But, honestly, who ever goes back to look through a plain book in which people wrote a sentence of 2!?!? Creating an alternative guestbook like a photobook or having your guests sign an item of furniture (I've seen wooden benches for example) is much more practical and can actually be used. 
My favorite one is making a painting and having your guest place their fingerprint on it. It's simple and you can easily add it to your home and keep it forever. 

- decide on a guestbook and purchase or make it. Make sure to also bring pens/ markers/ stamp pad/ finger paint.

Rice/ Confetti/ Sprinkles / Bubbles
Throwing rice when the newly wedded couple leaves the church is a very old tradition that origins in wishing the couple good luck, fertility & abundance. Today, people substitute rice with confetti or even sprinkles to add some color and some other people blow bubbles (especially if the location is rented and doesn't allow anything to be thrown because of cleaning reasons).

- Put someone in charge to buy the throwable item and maybe even make cute packages to give to guests (maybe include in program?)

Which wedding cake is complete without a caketopper? There are way more choices than just the traditional bride & groom figurines you can buy at a Party Store. Caketopper choices these days range from the Bride & Grooms Initials, flag banners saying "Just Married", any kind of animals as a pair dressed like bride & groom, a simple heart shape and many many more.

- order/ buy cake toppers and give it to caterer to add to cake or put someone in charge to place in on top of the cake before the reception

You saw this picture, you liked it and want one just like it!? Well, make sure you get a newspaper from your wedding day!! Even if you don't have time to let someone take this picture, save the paper. It would also make a cute keepssake to know what was going on the day you tied the knot.

- as soon as the newspaper gets delivered, place it in a specific spot where you will find it. If you do not get the paper delivered, put someone in charge to buy it and keep it for you

Cake box
I'm not quiet sure how this usually works (if the caterer pack this up for you or if you put someone in charge), but I read that it's a tradition to keep the top of your wedding cake, freeze it and eat it the next day. I saw this picture and think its a super cute idea. I personally won't freeze part of the cake, but will pack it up like this and eat it with my hubby under the stars (or something like that). 

- talk to your caterer to see if they will secure a piece for you or buy a box (and plastic forkes :)) and put someone in charge to save the pieces and bring the box to your hotel. (You definitely don't want to remember this once your at your hotel or just when you're about to leave the reception and notice there is no cake left).

Friday, January 11, 2013

You're Invited

Since I decided against Save The Date cards (because only a few people are invited to our actually ceremony) I am now working on invitations for our party the weekend before we get married. It's pretty tough! Finding a middle ground wording between engagement party and wedding invitation can be frustrating.
First, I needed to let go of the save the dates (sadly). Instead, I started looking at some invitation designs, that are postcards (not folded) and use a picture (a lot of traditional invitations are wording only, or only have a small photographs, since the Save The Date was mainly a photograph).

Here are some ideas from TinyPrints

 and I also think these Save The Dates might work as design inspiration

Additionally to the party invites, we will also send our invitations to the ceremony in Las Vegas - this means: more invitations to design....

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ceremony - Booked!

Yes, I finally did it - I placed the deposit on our ceremony at the Gazebo at Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapels :)

So we will officially get married on May 21, 2013 at 5:30pm in Las Vegas!! Such a big point to be checked of!

So here are a few more picutres of how the place looks like (I could only find nighttime ceremony pictures, ours will be before sunset though).

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

December Updates

Oh wow, so December was hectic!! Additionally to the holidays, there was a lot of wedding do-to’s to do and we crossed the 5months mark!!
We started off with our photoshoot. It was definitely not as awkward as I expected, in fact, it was actually fun! Now that we have our photos, I need to work on designing those invitations, which turns out to be a lot harder than it looks like :S
In December we also booked our hotel and I discussed my dresses with my designer friends. I also bought my shoes (yay) and called our ceremony location to discuss details. Everything seems to be working out.
And to start off the year right - we registered for our gifts! Yessss, I got to walk around a store with a scanner and scan eeeeverything I want. So much fun!! (Manny got to hold it for a few minutes as well). So, another thing checked of the list! 

Saturday, November 24, 2012


The Neon Boneyard Photoshoot

I don't remember exactly when, but one morning my mom showed me an article in our local newspaper of the Neon Boneyard in Las Vegas and I immediatly fell in love. Basically, its a collection of old Las vegas neon signs, in my eyes, perfect for a photoshoot. So what's a better occasion than my wedding day!?

So after the ceremony we will be heading over there to take some pics.

So excited!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Till I kissed you

The Song

Ok, so basically ever since I watched My Girl 2 and Never Been Kissed I wanted to be kissed to the song Don't Worry Baby by The Beachboys. (Yes, I am aware that i have weird fantasies), so I was set on this being my wedding song, since that would guarantee me getting kissed to this song. 

Well, but this is not only my wedding and Manny wants Till I kissed You by The Everly Brothers and since that song doesn't completely suck, I agreed to it.

But honestly, our real wedding song is Just Like Heaven by The Cure just because it's an amazing song, even though it's kind of sad. The same goes for There's A Light That Never Goes Out by The Smith (a close runner up). It just kind of has too much death in it to be a good wedding song. But I love both of those and think that they are beautiful songs.

Really, this whole song thing is the only reason I'm sad that we're not having a big wedding with a reception, because then I would have the power of controlling about 3 hours (minimum) of music!! A dream come true. But I guess I'll have to just do that for our Bonfire Party.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Save The Date

Save The Date Postcard

So, most people do Save The Date postcards / Engagement announcements. We've been going back and forth between whether we want to do that or not. I really want to since I think its fun to design Save The Date cards and it's a cool keepsake. You can have more fun with these cards than with the invitations, but also, they are an additional expense.
I looked into a few options and checked out Costco's offers (Costco is a store where you can only shop if you are a member. There are member fees, but because of that, a lot of things are cheaper - also custom postcards etc). Here are a few designs I like. Please let me know what you think.

The colors can be changed for all these designs.

Also, what do you think about having the date in the actual picture??